Man Synthetic Hair Wig, Brown Color – H-M1s

Man Synthetic Hair Wig - H-M1s

100% SYNTHETIC FIBER imported from Japan. Smooth and fine natural wig. Human-like

hair fiber. Comes with elastic wig cap and adjustable hook. No pin / tape required.

Price: S$59.90

cancer patients during chemotherapy treatment may cause temporary hair loss,

GiGi Wig Boutique provide many design

short / long / hair wig design

regain your confidence in your appearance

  • Enquiry Area

  • Arranging date / time for an appointment for viewing? Write to us via the following enquiry area.

    Or you could contact us directly at our address:

    Asia Mannequin Display (S), Singapore
    No 1 GRP Building Bukit Batok
    St 22 #04-02a Singapore 659592
    Contact: +65 94399719 (Cynthia)

    Happy shopping!

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